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Senin, 06 Oktober 2008

What kinds of fragrances should you choose?

Women around the world are looking for the perfect fragrance as a major part of their feminity. However how can it be found with so many on offer? The sweets, the fleurals, the fruities, the ambers, the peperreds... Which one should we prefer? Is there a rule? A fragrance can smell so beautiful to someone and so disgusting to others.

Above all this there is a major question: Can one really find the perfect perfume? Is there just one perfect fragrance for a woman or is a fragrance just a feminity game with which we can play at will ?

What kind of relation is there exactly between women and fragrances ? Some women find their perfume and stick to it eternally, others keep switching to find their perfect match but others just like to change as often as they change their clothes or shoes to fit their mood, the occasion or the time of day. What kind of attitude should we adopt? If a fragrance is a major part of the feminity, what kind of woman do we want to be ? Could we play with our feminity or do we have to choose our personnal conception of what feminity is? Can we jest with choosing a perfume?

We all know that a fragrance could leave its mark on our life. We all know that what is right for one woman might not be right for another. We all know that a fragrance can be so revealing of our personnality.

But what we don't know is how to make the right choice: Do we have to follow the trends and choose amongst the most fashionable fragrances? Can we trust these new perfumes? And can we let the trends decide what kind of woman we are going to be? Shouldn't we better place our trust in one or more of the classics, those which will never let you down, to avoid making any mistake? Are fragrances just fashionable or not like clothes or are there some fragrances which will never go out of fashion?

As can be seen from the above list, each fragrance is unique and destined to a particular type of women. The question is, therefore, should we be following trends or should we simply be finding the perfect match between ourselves and our perfume. Who says we have to choose one anyway? A friend of mine has only one perfume but keep on going to perfume halls in department stores in the hope that one day she will make an amazing discovery, a truly perfect replacement to the fragrance she has now been wearing for nearly 25 years. She was once in charge of marketing for an American Fragrance House, she eventually had to leave this company simply because she could not bring herself to wearing the ones she was in charge of promoting. This is a little extreme but this gives an indication of what it is like to adopt a fragrance. It is either you or it's not. As we grow older, we still remember what our grandmother or mother used to smell like. I remember a colleague once who said to me I smelt like his mother. I just happened to be wearing a fragrance that her mother had been using since he was a little boy. Did he then see me as somebody like her because I wore her perfume? Was it a good thing or a bad thing? I never dared ask.

Couldn't we simply have several facettes to our personality and keep playing with them. True, there are some safe bets in the old guard but why not try some new fragrances once in a while and run the risk of being nicely surprised?

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