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Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

Victoria Beckham's New Fashion and Models Line Is Out

After her first foray in the world of fashion, with both her dVb jeans line and her sunglasses collection, world-renowned fashionista Victoria Beckham is kicking things up a notch by launching her first ever frock designs. Although counting only 15 models, the new designs by Posh perfectly embody the very essence of everything that made her so famous on the glitzy scene of fashion – class, elegance, sophistication and certain rigidity, which speaks volumes for the renunciation of comfort in favor of the shock factor.
Made available courtesy of, the 15 models are nothing short of predictable – truly exquisite in their simplicity and the finesse of their cut, but predictable nonetheless. However, it’s not like Victoria, once the proud Spice Girl, really wanted to bring to the table something other than a line that was purely, 100 percent, herself. Which is precisely why this collection brings us only somber shades, almost draconian cuts, with lots of emphasis on the curves of the beyond-thin woman – the waistline, the bony shoulders and very little prominent hips – and close to none originality.

"Every one of [these dresses] could've been pulled from Beckham's own closet. The silhouette is beyond body-conscious, ultra-fitted from shoulder line to below the knee," reads a first review of the collection. And so it is: what Victoria designed is precisely what we’ve already seen her wearing on not one, or two, but almost hundreds of occasions. Then again, this is perhaps what could also make it special – seeing how the former Spice is not just a fashionista, but a role model as well.

One thing though makes this brand new collection from Mrs. Beckham almost inaccessible (aside from the price, which ranges from $1,500 to $3,600), and that’s the fact that its target is as niched as are its cuts severe. Not only does Victoria Beckham NOT design for plumper women, but she even excludes regular-sized ones too from the very start, a thing for which she has often been heavily criticized. While she might not willingly and openly encourage size 0 in women, her latest line does come with limitations that could actually prove too much even for the slimmest of girls out there. Clearly, they don’t say beauty comes at a cost for nothing.

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