The workshop, held from 23 - 25 January 2007, was organized by the International IDEA Sudan Project and was attended by representatives of the six main political parties namely: Umma Party, SPLM, DUP, NCP, Communist Party and PCP. Each party had 5 representatives making a total of 30 participants at the workshop.
The workshop covered the following topics:
* Party structures, functions, and systems;
* Political parties systems with special focus on Africa and their connection with new and emergent electoral systems for better representation;
* Africa’s party-to-party networks and coalitions, regional and sub-regional inter-parliamentary associations and African political parties’ integration into political party internationals.
The workshop adopted a format of presentations and discussion groups in the form of breakout sessions. In the second session a presentation was made by Abdalla Hamdok on “Global and Regional Issues in Democratic Governance: An Overview on Recent Trends”. It was followed by a breakout session that discussed and presented findings to the plenary groups.
The second day started with a presentation by Professor Peter Woodward on “Political Parties and political Culture”, followed by a presentation by Professor M. Salih on “Political Party Systems: Comparative Perspective”.
The final day of the workshop also included two presentations and a breakout session and this time all party representatives were asked to discuss and report back to the plenary “their own party approaches to all the issues discussed”. The two presentations covered “Managing Political Parties” and “Transition and Party Politics in Sudan”. The closing session was addressed by Dr. Abdel Nabi, Secretary General of the Umma Party, on behalf of the political parties, and also by Abdalla Hamdok, International IDEA.
Source : http://www.idea.int/africa/east/pp_models.cfm
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