Not just showcase the creativity of the designers, this event is even expected to be a gateway Indonesia as Asia and even the world's fashion centers.
Initiated by the Association of Indonesian Fashion Designers (APPMI), IFW is designed for businesses in the fashion industry is growing. According to Dina Midiani, designers as well as director of Indonesia Fashion Week 2012, APPMI experience in following some similar event has not felt able to contribute enough to achieve the vision and mission of this association forward.
"The government is targeting will make Indonesia as a fashion center of Asia in 2015, and in 2025 as a world fashion center. So, we as an association have to do something real for this to happen," he explained.
However, do not think the event is similar to the fashion week fashion week event as just another showcase of creativity. Instead of 200 fashion designers only as one of the complement of the whole event. Because this event is more focused on the trade show that will involve 400 local brands.

However, due to still strengthen the foundation, in the first year are still running the program IFW retail. In the second year, the team will target the local market control. Meanwhile, in the third year IFW will move from retail to B to B. "We are also in the third year of this event can be held two times a year with a collection of spring / summer, autumn / winter."
By bringing local content as the annual highlight of fashion trends in Indonesia, Indonesia hoped the trend will have its own without having oriented trends of the fashion centers of the world. "So, the local brands will have the same common thread of his latest collections."
Perceived team IFW, the first year is time for them to establish a foundation. Therefore, they still have memersiapkan 'players' in this industry.
"We learned from the Bali Fashion Week, the difficulty it is to prepare the players. It's like eggs and chicken, if participants are not ready will not be any buyer, when it's ready if there will be many buyers prefer to remember people shopping outdoor products than domestic products. So , both to be prepared. "

Because Indonesia has a 'treasure' that so many cultures, local content is what can be a value-added products fashion Indonesia. "The specificity of this could be the value of our fresh fashion products, but we pack in the global style that could be a new offer on the international fashion world," says this designer who often uses traditional fabric as a collection of clothing material.
This event can indeed be regarded as the coaching arena. Apart from trade shows to be filled by introducing local brands to the public, fashion shows as inspiration, also held a seminar on branding and trends, as well as competitions for novice players to let them know to market your products and fair prices on their products.
Although lasted for four days, this event will continue to provide guidance in the roadshow around the area to socialize IFW programs, invite the participants familiar with the culture in the area, and to provide guidance in the area.

This is done not without cause. Develop the fashion industry into the international arena would not only be done in four days. In order for Indonesia fashion products of international standard, should be made the centers of production in each region to maintain the availability of goods. IFW will therefore work closely with the Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (KUKM) to set up training facilities and human resources. Expected capital assistance from the ministry koprasi. Once the finished product, be the duty of the trade to set the strategy
"If we had control of local markets by going to shopping malls and department stores, we can jump into Asia, then to the world," he explained.
IFW 2012 series will feature a trade show of the 400 local brands, four major fashion shows, fashion shows five little every day, competition, and seminars in 23 to 26 February 2012 at the Jakarta Convention Center.